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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st February 2021

Hello Year One,


 I hope you have all had a lovely weekend with your families. I went on a very muddy walk this weekend, I even got my wellie stuck in a muddy puddle. I thought I was going to be stuck there all weekend, luckily, I managed to get out! blush

 This week we have lots of different activities to complete. I know that some of your exercise books may be getting full. If your GREEN book is full please use your BLUE book.


As part of our PE over lockdown, our school is taking part in the 21 Day challenge. If you would like to take part please watch the video below and the information attached. If you do take part don’t forget to tweet your involvement on twitter.

Could you also please send any photos of Physical activities to


Have a lovely day, continue reading on Epic Reading lets see how many books we can complete this week! 

Miss Armstrong heart

21 Day Bingo Challenge

Here is an introduciton to our new challenge!"21 Day Bingo Challenge"

Time to wake up our bodies and brains!

Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle


Today I would like for you to practice using capital letters and full stops correctly. The sentences on the worksheet are missing something. Read each sentence and circle either where a Capital Letter or Full stop should be. Then I would like for you to copy the sentences neatly into your workbook. I am looking for super handwriting today so try your best. Keep your letters on the lines. Once you have completed your worksheet there is a phonics matching game to play. Enjoy and have some phonics fun!


Last week a mystery creature arrived in our classroom it was a little penguin with a book for us to all read. So far, we have only read a few pages. Today we are going to recap over the first part of the story again and then I have two tasks for you to complete. Please click on the school videos to listen to the Lost and Found story again. 

Task 1: I would like you to write a short paragraph (5 sentences) telling Miss Armstrong what do you think will happen next in the story?

Task 2: To think of 6 facts about Penguins these could be things that you already know or you may want to research on the internet. There is a link below of a video to help you.

Penguin Facts for Kids


This week during our Maths lessons we are going to focus on the topic of measurement.

Today we are going to begin looking at length.

First listen to a new maths song, then:

Task One:Click on the link below to watch your Maths video for today. Can you collect items in your home? Make sure you ask your parent’s permission.

Herman the Worm ♫

Task Two: Can you complete the worksheet below.

Task Three: Access the game below, explore comparing size of objects.


The Polar Explorers need your help they are FROZEN. Click on the link below to find out about your science lesson and how you can help the explorers. Good luck!

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