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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning Year 3!


I am very impressed with the work that is being sent to me via email and the blog. Please make sure you are sending through your work and I am hearing from you all! Remember, every week I choose a blogger of the week, a home learner of the week and a picture for the newsletter. Maybe it will be you this week!!


Remember every day to:


-Practise your spellings

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins



I look forward to seeing your work!

Here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson 


LO: To add money

Follow the link below to the White Rose Website.

Click on the tab named ‘Week 3 – w/c 4th May’ and look at Lesson 2 – add money.

Watch the video carefully and then complete the activity worksheet below.


LO: To research a topic.

As you are going to be writing your own Non-chronological reports this week, we need to do some research to ensure we have enough information to write with.


Use resource 7a below to set out your sub headings of choice and your information from your research. Remember to only write down information that you understand. Don’t just copy from the internet!

Resource 7a


Hello again Year 3. This week we are revising our days of the week. You have a link to watch the days of the week song we have learned in class, and on the final slide is a written task. Please write your answers in your book and send a picture of your work, or you could write your answers straight into the comments on my blog post.

See how many people in your house can learn the song with you!!



French Power Point

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