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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Meet the Reception team

Mrs Collins - Class Teacher

Mrs Taylor - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Taylor & Mrs Cumming- Covering Mrs Collins' PPA on Wednesday afternoons.

Mrs Coan - 1:1 Teaching Assistant


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we plan and assess with the Early Years Profile and the Characteristics of Effective Learning.  The Characteristics of Effective Learning are the developments of how your child learns:

Playing and Exploring - Engagement

Active Learning - Motivation

Creating and Thinking Critically - Thinking

Children will learn through self initiated activities and planned play activities. This will ensure the children have fun, learn basic skills, communicate with others and become independent.

The EYFS consists of 3 'Prime' areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional development

Communication and Language development

Physical development

and 4 'Specific' areas of learning:



Understanding the World and RE

Expressive Arts and Design

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Coan and I would like to say 

Thank you so much for all our wonderful cards and gifts. We’ve had a fantastic year with your children and we would like to wish them good luck in

Year 1 😘

Have a lovely Summer!🌞

Enjoying our last day in Reception 🌞

Enjoying our last day! 🌞

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Mrs Collins' Email:

Reception’s Pupil of the Year Winners

Prize day Winners

Reception have been making the Rainbow fish happy by giving him colourful and shiny scales.

Key Stage 1 Talent Show Winners.

So proud of all Reception children for entering and trying their best!

Click on school video link to watch 2021 Talent Show. You will see Reception’s winners on there.


Reception’s Sports day event.

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Reception have been booking their holidays via the Travel Agents and then jetting off.

Reception’s Sea Creatures Collages using Contemporary Colours inspired by Henri Matisse.

Reception Children taking their learning home

Reception's Good Behaviour Winners

Reception celebrated St George’s Day

Please take a look at Reception’s Assembly on ‘School Videos’ - Reception’s videos 2020/2021.

Reception's Family

God's Wonderful World

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Reception’s Greatest Journey

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The Greatest Journey Cast

Visit from Father Christmas

Spring 2021 Home Schooling

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The school has signed up to a new reading website. 

This website will help you access free age-related reading books each week to read at home.

How to log on:

Click on the link 

Enter the class code (I will send a text with the code).

Select your initials.

Your books will be assigned to you to read.

If you have read it get your parent to email me and I will assign you another book. Don't forget you can read it more than once. I can track online how often and how much you are reading. 

There are also lots of free books for you to select and read as well as your assigned book.


Home Learning

Mamma Margaret Project

World Nursery Rhyme Week - The Wheels on the Bus

Reception have been sent home with a School Book Bag, Reading Diary and Reading book.

I would like book bags bringing into school everyday with reading diary and reading book. Please can parents jot down what reading has been done at home. Even if it’s looking at the pages and talking about the characters and settings. We encourage lots of talking and questioning about the books. They don’t have to read the full book in one night. You might want to just read 1 or 2 pages a night.

Happy reading smiley

Book Bag and Reading Books

We were inspired by a local Artist Keith Melling and we drew pictures of Pendle Hill

Welcome Reception

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A Typical morning in Reception

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A Typical Afternoon in Reception and Getting Ready for Reception

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