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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 8th April

Good Morning Year 3!

I hope you are all well! It is lovely that the sun shone yesterday, I hope you managed to get some fresh air safely. 

Remember to read every day, play on times table rock stars and practise your spellings. 

I am giving out lots of green dojos to children who are accessing all of the work set. 

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Here are your learning tasks for today...

Love Miss Townson yes


Log onto Education City and find the classwork called 'Wednesday 8th April - English' 

First, you need to listen to the poem Hay Day. At the end of the poem, there are some questions on the video, you could discuss these with your family. 

Then on the next activity, there is a worksheet you need to work through in your workbook. Make sure you answer the questions in full sentences. 

Quick Maths Starter...


Have a quick play on Times Table Rock Stars as you will need your times tables for today's maths!

Then have a go at the worksheet below...

Further down I have added a poster with your 7s 8s and 9s just in case you don't know them. 


Division Worksheet


Wednesday 8th April 2020
LO: To reflect on Jesus' self giving. 

Read the two documents below about Jesus' journey to Calvary. This is the part of the story when Jesus had to carry his extremely heavy cross up to the hill where he was to die. Simon was forced by the soldiers to carry Jesus' cross as Jesus was struggling. 

Look at the picture below...

Think about Jesus’ self-giving and discuss when you think you may have been giving towards others.

In your workbooks, draw a picture of Jesus carrying the cross and write underneath it a time when you were self-giving, for example: giving love when it is hard, like looking after a younger brother or sister, giving time, showing forgiveness, having patience.

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