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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning Year 6!

It was great seeing everyone get back to work yesterday! Your South America map work was super and a few of you knew of an important event that took place in The Falkland Islands (a British Territory off the coast of Argentina) in the 1980s. If you don't know about this, look underneath the subject folders on the Year 6 website page. I have saved Lillia's powerpoint there next to the WAGOLLs because she researched all about it and explained it beautifully. Have a read and learn something new! 


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 2-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.


For this week's PE Lessons, I want to either re-visit Joe Wicks or choose 3 Go Noodles to complete. Let me know what you choose and how you get on!


L.O To calculate the mean and range of a set of numbers.

Please go to the maths folder on the class page. Watch the video and then go to the slides. The questions are on the next to the last slide. You have Section A and Section B to do. Send me your answers by BLOG or EMAIL. I will post the answers tomorrow.


LO: To create expanded noun phrases

There are 2 tasks to complete today.

First of all, treat yourself to watching the WHOLE of the Francis Brandywine clip. Well done if you have waited until today. Click on the link below and enjoy the thrilling adventure!

After you have watched the clip, go to the English folder underneath the date folders on the Year 6 website page to find today’s work about describing Quetico Park using expanded noun phrases.

CGI Animated Shorts : "Francis" - Directed by Richard Hickey | TheCGBros

Check out this well animated and creepy CGI animated film "Francis", Directed by Richard Hickey, and written by Dave Eggers. The story of "Francis" came abou...


LO: To identify Latin American music and its instruments

What a great music lesson you have today! I have had lots of fun getting this ready for you. Continuing with our American theme, we are going to listen to lots of different music from an area called Latin America. Latin America generally refers to territories in the Americas where the Spanish, Portuguese or French languages are commonly spoken: Mexico, most of Central and South America, and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico.

There are 2 clips below to listen to and then go to the Music folder on the Year 6 website page underneath the date folders to find out your 2 tasks.

Latin American Instruments

Latin American Instruments 1.Maracas 2.Guiro 3.Palitos 4.Conga 5.Bombo 6.Chajchas 7.Zampoña 8.Charango 9.Quena 10.Cajon 11.Quijada de burro 12.Agogo 13.Berim...

Introduction to Latin American Music

A selection of examples of Latin American music


LO: To create a persuasive poster

Bonjour Year 6, I hope you have enjoyed your half term break. This week we will be looking at the Tour de France. Click on the powerpoint below to find some information about the event, but I'd also like you to do a bit of your own research. (There are some slides on the powerpoint with a speaker icon you can click on, to hear extra information). Your task is to create a poster to promote the next Tour de France. If possible, create your poster on powerpoint. Include some interesting facts and pictures that would draw supporters in for the next event. (If you are not able to use powerpoint, please create your poster on paper).

I would also like you to add a comment on my blog post with two interesting facts that you have found through your own research. We would love to see your posters, so send them to your class email, or add a picture to the blog!

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