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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 23rd March

Good morning Year 2!


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today smiley

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


Monday 23rd March     23/03/2020


Monday morning PE Lesson! It's time to get moving Year 2...


Maths- Log onto 'Times Table Rockstars'. I would like you to play this for at least 20 minutes. Let's earn those coins... laugh


English- In your 'CGP KS1 English Comprehension' book, please could you turn to page 2, 'How to grow a seed'. Please put the short date at the top of the page, then read and answer the questions about the text.


Art- In your yellow Art book, please could you draw me a tiger portrait, using a picture from a book or the internet. Then, colour it in using a media of your choice such as crayons, oil pastels, paint...

Remember our class 'top tip'- first draw your picture lightly, then once you're happy, go over your outlines, pressing a little harder with your pencil.


*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*


Thank you for your hard work Year 2.

I will be looking forward to seeing your activity online and any pictures you may wish to sendlaugh






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