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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 24th

Task 1: Make a foil boat and see how much treasure it can take before it starts to sink! How many pieces?

Task 2: Phonics


Can you think of some words to describe a pirate that begin with p?

What about a boat? What words beginning with b can you think of to describe a boat?

Or treasure? What words beginning with t can you think of to describe the treasure?


Think about your own name and make your own pirate name!

Miss Kind Kidd       Mrs Brilliant Barker      Miss Beautiful Barnes     


What does treasure/parrot/flag/map/captain/hook/leg begin with?

Task 3: RE - Friendship Activity


Paper Dolls is a favourite activity to do and your mummies and daddies may have made these when they were little



Can you make your paper dolls look like the friends you miss from Nursery. As you decorate them talk about the things you are looking forward to doing when you see them amd try and answer these questions in your chat.... 

  • Who makes you laugh?
  • Who is good at sharing?
  • Who makes up the best games?
  • Who gets the messiest?


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