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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st February

Good morning Year 3!


I hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Today you have 3 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. RE


Please also read on get epic and play on TTRS for at least 15 minutes.

Have a wonderful day,


Love Mrs Sethi 


LO: To make tally charts.

This week Year 3, we are going to be looking at different ways of recording statistics and data. First, we are going to look at tally charts. You may remember doing these in Year 2! Follow the link below to watch the video carefully, pausing it to work out the questions in your book. Then you need to complete the worksheet I have attached below.

Make tally charts


LO: To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes er and est.

This week we are continuing with the theme of a healthy snack from last week. To start our lesson, you need to follow the link below and then watch the video. Today you are going to be looking at the suffixes er and est. Who can remember where a suffix goes???? Yes… well remembered: at the END of a word.


If the teacher asks you to pause the video and do a task in your books, make sure you pause it. Listen carefully to the teacher and then send me a picture of your work on my email. Enjoy!


LO: To explore the seasons and feasts celebrated in the Church Year.

Last week in RE, you looked at the Church’s calendar and coloured one in. You might want to find this today to help you with your work. The first thing I would like you to do is to answer the following questions into your books:

  • What times of Jesus’ life are being celebrated in these seasons?

  • Which of the seasons or feasts is your favourite and why?

  • What do think the colours tell us about these seasons?

After you have answered these questions, I would like you to choose one of the church’s special seasons e.g Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter. Give reasons why and how Catholics celebrate this season of the Church’s year and the use of a particular colour. Research some symbols used at this time and I would like you to put all this information into a lovely decorative poster. Make sure you send me a picture of your work either on my email or the blog.
