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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 15th June

Good Morning Year 6!

It's Monday morning and I hope you are up bright and early, ready to start a new week of learning. Last week you produced some AMAZING work - I hope you checked the WAGOLL to see if your work was on there. Keep that great work ethic going and let's see how fabulous you can be this week! Let's go...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 15-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Let's start the week in the best possible way, by listening to this week's Monday morning assembly. Click on the link below to watch this.


For PE this week, we are going to mix it up and have a different kind of challenge each day. Start off with your favourite 3 Go Noodle’s for Monday morning.


LO: To choose effective word combinations

This week we are going to have some fun in English lessons playing with words to create poetry in our unit of work called ‘The City of Silence’. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find information about today’s task.

MATHS L.O Mixed Reasoning Questions 


Every Monday you will have a choice of two activities plus a TTRS BATTLE.


Do the next test out of your MATHS BOOK 1 SAT BUSTER 10-Minute Tests. Set B Test 5 pg 32-34. Ask someone to mark it for you, the answers are in the back of the book. Please send me a BLOG telling me how many you got right out of 10.

OPTION 2 – These are a little harder but give them a go.

If you are finding the 10min tests too easy then you could do this activity as well. There is a PDF with 10 advanced questions (click below) Answers are also included. Once you have finished ask someone to mark it for you and send me a BLOG telling me how many you got right out of 10.


I’ve  set up a battle on Times Table Rock Stars. Boys against Girls. It will only last for 1 day and opens at 9.00am so make sure you don’t miss it. 



LO: To find out about the major mountains of South America

Everyone in Year 6 must remember that the main mountain range in South America is called the Andes. Today, we are going to learn more interesting facts about these fascinating mountains. Go to the Geography folder on the Year 6 website page, read the information CAREFULLY and then find out your task for today. You may need to download and print the document below.

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