- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Hi Year 6
As you can see from the letter above, we are all extremely upset that our bubble has had to close whilst we await the results of the PCR test. We know you were all looking forward to the fun of the next few days and we were looking forward to sharing those days with you. We send you lots of love and will be in touch soon.
Mrs Jones, Mrs Baird and Ms Earnshaw
Isolation Work
We understand that your parents have had short notice to arrange child care provision for you all and that you may not have access throughout the day to a device. However, if possible there are 3 activities below that you can complete. Please blog or email your work as normal and feel free to let us know how you are doing. We will be monitoring these during the school day.
Summer 2 Homework
Summer 1 Homework
If you are at home isolating because you are waiting for a COVID 19 test result for you or a family member or you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID and been asked to isolate, please click on the the subjects below to find your work.
Everyday you are absent we expect you to do:
1 Maths lesson, START AT LESSON 1
1 English lesson
1 other lesson of your choice.
You can do your work in your homework books that you have at home and take a picture to post on the BLOG or you can type your answers straight onto the BLOG.
Please also read every day, practise your times tables on TTRS and complete your homework as normal.
This work will compliment but not clash with the work we are doing in class. If you need to isolate more than once you can just continue from where you left off.
Hello Year 6!
Welcome to our new set of Home Learning! Due to us having to work from home again, you will now find your school work for each day on the Year 6 class page starting from WEDNESDAY 6th JANUARY. There will be work set each day for Maths and English and one other subject, just like you did in the previous lockdown. This work MUST be completed and either blogged or emailed to your class teacher EVERY DAY. We will look forward to seeing a high standard of work which is presented accurately and neatly. Items available to you are:
* New Maths red exercise book
* New English orange exercise book
* CGP English Comprehension Book
* KS2 SATS Buster 10 minute test books for Reading, Maths and Grammar
* Plain A4 paper
* pen
You can take pictures of your written work and then upload them onto the school blog or email them to us.
Good luck with your work and we look forward to hearing from you ALL, EVERY DAY.
Mrs Jones and Mrs Baird
Year 6 email addresses:
Mrs Jones
Mrs Baird
Year 6
Class Christmas Party
Dust off your party clothes Year 6 as we will be having our Class Christmas Party on TUESDAY 15th DECEMBER! You can come to school in your own clothes and wear them ALL DAY. BUT keep in mind your clothes must also be suitable for a full day of school and you will still need warm layers for outside playtime. Let's look forward to a fantastic afternoon of festive fun and games! It's going to be amazing!!
Reindeer Visit
Here's Year 6 enjoying their visit from a very special animal - the reindeer. Whilst we were there, the reindeer felt thirsty and wanted a drink of water from his bucket. Before he put his nose in the bucket, he put his hoof in! Apparently all reindeer do this because where they live it is REALLY cold and the hoof breaks the ice on top of the water so they can drink. How amazing is that!
Padiham Rotary Club Dictionary Competition
Last week Year 6 children entered the annual Padiham Rotary Club Dictionary Competition. They all received a free dictionary from the Rotary Club and were asked to use it to help with spellings on a piece of written work. We chose to write lyrics for a Lockdown Blues song. The children enjoyed this task and we even had some brave performances of their songs! However, the Rotary Club chose Olivia as their winner with the best blues lyrics. Congratulations Olivia and we hope you enjoy your fabulous prize!
Hello Year 6!
Welcome to Home Learning! Due to us having to work from home, you will now find your school work on the Year 6 class page for the next 6 days. There will be work set each day for Maths and English and one other subject, just like you did in lockdown. This work MUST be completed and either blogged or emailed to your class teacher EVERY DAY. After that, we are breaking up for half-term on Thursday 22nd October.
For the rest of today (Tuesday 13th October), use Andy Goldsworthy as your inspiration and create your own piece of nature artwork.
Good luck with all your work and we look forward to hearing from you ALL very soon!
Mrs Jones and Mrs Baird
Year 6 email addresses:
Mrs Jones
Mrs Baird