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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 26th January

Hello again Year 5. I hope you are all ok! I received some brilliant work yesterday which really did make me smile. A special mention must go to Logan for his videos of his science investigation. He was dropping his parachutes out of the window and they were fantastic! You all also worked very hard on the reading questions I set. I know there were quite a few to complete.


Here are your lessons for today. As always, don’t forget to email or blog your work. Quite a few of you didn't do this yesterday.

LO – To use a range of coordinating conjunctions to write multi-clause (compound) sentences.

Please watch the video of me explaining your lesson which can be found on the school video section of the website under VIDEOS FOR YEAR 5 2020-2021. I have also put the link below. Get your pen and book ready as I will ask you to pause the video at times to answer questions. On the video, I explain that you are going to complete the lesson on a website called The Natural Curriculum. Your lesson is all about a creature called a greater bulldog bat. I wouldn’t like to come across one!

When you have watched the video of my explanation, please click on the link below to get to the lesson. As I explain in the video, I am expecting you to do challenge 1, 2 and 3 on the worksheet. I have uploaded the worksheet below but it can also be accessed on the website.

LO – To divide numbers by 10,100 and 1000.

Yesterday’s lesson was quite straight forward and most of you managed it fine. It was excellent to see so many of you also complete the extension task. Please watch the video below which will guide you through your lesson. Then complete the worksheet and mark it when you have done.

Divide by 10 100 and 1000

The following task is optional for those of you who finish early and want a challenge. Please try and have a go at this if you can!

LO – To use the verb ‘savoir’ to ask and answer questions about different sports.

Hello Year 5! For French today, we are continuing with our learning about sports. We are going to learn how do say 'do you know how to play...'. You will learn how to use the verb savoir - to know- to ask and answer questions about different sports. There are some new sports so pay attention to the new vocabulary!


If you click on the link below it will take you to the school video page where you will find the video for Year 5 26.01.2021 in the French home learning section.


Watch the video and pause it when asked to complete the tasks.

The final task is to write 9 questions asking if you know how to do/play a particular sport, and then to write an answer using the phrases learned for yes or no. When you have completed your sentences please blog or email pictures of your work - we love to see how well you are doing!


The PowerPoint below is just in case you need to look back at any of the slides - it is important to watch the video to understand the new vocabulary and phrases!

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