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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th January

Happy Tuesday you have made it to day two of the week! You are working so hard well done! Keep reading, blogging, emailing, TTRS and keep active! 

Remember to have a break in between each task, do something active if you can!

Still not enough children are blogging me or logging onto TT RockStars, it is really important that you do!

Here are today's tasks:


PE: 21 Day Bingo, day two! Which number will you pick today? Keep Active! Have a look on Twitter for @StJohnsPadiham we posting our Active Bingo Fun on here and you can too!


Task 1: English

LO: To read the second chapter of Matilda and answer guided reading questions.

Read the second chapter 'Mr Wormwood, the Great Car Dealer' of Matilda. (This link is below).

Then answer the guided reading questions neatly into your exercise book. Do not rush this and keep going back to the text to find and support your answers. Blog or email me your work. Enjoy! 


Task 2: Maths

LO: To understand and use negative numbers

Watch the video below carefully and I will explain what to do in more detail. Pause the video at anytime when completing work into your exercise books. Listen and try your best, when drawing number lines, use a ruler and make sure your work is presentable and easy to read. Click and complete the PDF documents below into your exercise books. The challenge is an extension activity if you found the number lines sheet easy, enjoy! 

Maths Task with Mr Steele's explanation: 12/01/21 (Ignore the date on the PowerPoint!)

Still image for this video


Task 3: French

LO: Shapes and colours


This week in French we are going to start our new topic, learning all about shapes and reminding ourselves about colours.

Open the powerpoint below, and be sure to view it as a slide show - this will make sure you can click the audio button and hear me pronouncing the French words.

Work through each page of the powerpoint, reading each slide carefully and listening to the audio for the slides with an audio button.

The task is to copy out the table on Slide number 3 of the powerpoint. Next to each shape you need to write in French the name and colour of the shape. There is an example on the presentation to help you.

Once you have copied and labelled all the shapes from the powerpoint there are two links below to videos about shape and colour. Watch the videos and have a go at singing along.

Please remember to email or blog pictures of your work. I will create a French blog so please comment on this blog with your pictures.

Have a great day, Mrs Miskell

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