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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th May

Today's Self Care Challenge: 

Can you link the two parts of a zip at the bottom and then pull it up? 


For younger children - can you pull up a zip that an adult has joined together? 

Task 1: The Very Hungry Caterpillar


Listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle on the Weekly Story Link. 

Can you make a 3d junk model of a caterpillar using egg boxes, paper chains, a paper plate or any other boxes and tubes you have in your recycling? 

Task 2: Education City

Task 3: Fine Motor Skills

Can you follow these lines with your finger?

Print out these sheets or ask your adult to make your own simple versions on paper.

Make sure your patterns go from left to right across the page in the "reading direction".


Or you could make a Texture tracing tray with flour, sugar, salt or glitter and make the same patterns with your finger. 


If you like being outdoors then get a big clean paintbrush and a pot of water and trace the patterns on your patio or path. 

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