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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 19th March

Hello Year 2,


Well done for another hardworking week! You have done lots of brilliant, creative writing and fabulous Maths using and applying your times tables. I am so impressed with all the reading that you are doing too, whether it be reading your school books, books from getepic or books from home! I have loved reading all your diary comments this week, thank you. Please keep on working hard and trying your best laugh


Here is your homework to be completed before next Friday 26th March 2021.



This week, we have been learning our 3 times tables! Please could you complete both of the worksheets that I have sent home with you.



To carry on practicing our reading skills, please could you read and complete the 'On the farm' comprehension that I have sent home with you.


*Please remember to read EVERY DAY!* Reading is so important and is a school requirement. I am checking reading diaries every day for comments from home and team points are awarded for regular reading.


Once you have completed your work, please take a picture of it and send it to my email or put it on the school blog. I am keeping a running record of homework completion in my registration book. Children who do not complete their homework in time will be asked to complete it during their lunch hour.


Reading diary book change days are Mondays and Thursdays. Make sure you are ready for a new book on both on these days. 


Thank you for all your hard work.


Love, Miss Dewhurst x


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