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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 4th December

Hello Year 1, 


Well our first week in December is now complete, not long to go until Christmas. Our two cheeky elves in class have been watching you all work super hard this week and have been impressed with your amazing subtraction skills. Remember to keep up this hard work over the weekend at home. 


Your home for this week includes a piece of maths and English work, there is no education city homework.


*Please send a photo of your homework to


We still have a few Christmas decorations from the Mama Margret's to buy if anyone would like to support our fundraising. The decorations are £2.00 and will look beautiful on your trees. 







This week I would like you to complete a subtraction worksheet focusing on counting backwards. We have worked super hard with subtraction this week so I hope you can all impress your parents with your super maths skills. 




As we have been looking at how to describe a character I would like you to design your own elf, you can be as creative as you wish. Remeber to write about your elf and then draw your fantastic elf to match the description. 

Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you all on Monday. 


Love Miss Armstrong heart

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