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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good morning Year One, 


We are now half way through the week, I am very impressed with the work I am receiving I think it is going to be hard to pick a home learner of the week. I have attached two photos below.


The first one is a photo of all the work you have been doing both the children in school and the home learners. My board is nearly full!

 The second photo is our new super reading chart, we have reached a total of 200 books. This means that the children who are accessing Epic reading have been working super hard!

Well done let’s see how far we can reach on the ‘Readerpillar

Let's wake up our bodies and brains! laugh


Freeze Dance


Today in Phonics I would like you to focus on the sound 'aw', below is a clip for you to watch. Please watch this before you complete your worksheet. 

The "aw" sound



LO: To retrieve information from a story.

The girl who went to the Arctic

Today’s story is about a girl called Tammy who goes on an Arctic adventure. Below I have written some questions for you to answer. Listen to the story and have a go at answering these.


  1. What did Tammy have to eat?
  2. What order did Tammy meet the animals?
  3. Who did the boy fall over?
  4. What colours did they see in the Northern light sky?
  5. If you went on an Arctic adventure what would you like to see?


LO: To identify Tens and Ones within 50


Today's lesson you will need to use your Tens and Ones skills to find out the answers to the questions. Listen to the number song to wake our Math's brains. 


First please watch the learn screen below. 


Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.


Let's Get Fit | Count to 100

Tens and ones



LO: To understand the meaning of friendship.


Today’s lesson is looking at friendship, think about your friends. At the moment we might not be able to see each other but we are all thinking about one another.


Please click on the link below this will take you to Year Ones video page. 


Listen to the story below about starfish Stan, then click on the activity. I would like you to create a friendship jar of all the qualities you would like your friends so have.

Have a lovely day remember to work hard you are all making

Miss Armstrong proud. heart

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