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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning Year 5! Thank you for your work yesterday. I hope you’re all excited about the live meetings that are starting from tomorrow. Each morning, we will meet on Microsoft Teams at 9:10AM for 20 minutes where I will catch up with you all and outline your learning for the day. You should have been sent all your login details. I’m looking forward to seeing all of your lovely, smiling faces!


Here are your lessons for today. Please complete them all and don’t forget to email or blog your work.

LO – To answer questions on a text/To use synonyms and antonyms

Two learning objectives in one lesson! We are going to carry on with our spooky theme in English today. On the document below is a story that I would like you to read. It is called The Curse of Cogston House. It’s not a real story and is only fiction so you don’t need to be scared. There is quite a lot for you to read so you might want to do this over the course of the day. The story is also in 2 parts as it was the only way it would upload! You won’t need to have read it all to complete today’s tasks but it would give you a better understanding. It is a quite a big document so I don’t expect you to print it. You will need to rotate it so it is the right way round for you to read. There are 2 endings (one good and one not so good) and I would like to you tell me which you preferred and why.

Then please complete these activities:

1. Read the extract on the document below of the story. Answer the 10 questions in your book.

2. Complete the worksheet below on synonyms and antonyms. A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word (e.g. happy and delighted.) An antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good.)


You do not need to write the whole extract out! Just write the synonyms as a list in your book and do the same for the antonyms.

LO – To read and interpret line graphs

You all seemed to enjoy looking at line graphs yesterday and the work I received was good. Don’t forget to complete the extension work if you finish quickly. Your lesson today is on Education City under classwork. It is called 2/2/21 – Line graphs. Please complete the activity and the sheet.


The following worksheet is optional for those of you wish to complete it.

LO – To research the attractions in Paris.

For the lesson today, we would like you to research some of the tourist attractions in Paris, France's capital City. Go onto the website below and it will bring up a map of the central Paris area. There are several tourist attractions highlighted with a red symbol. If you click on the symbol it will open up a new page and give you lots of information about the attraction.


We would like you to research 4 attractions. As you do your research, we would like you to complete a fact-file about each of the 4 attractions. You may complete this in your books or on word/PowerPoint. Your fact file should include a picture/drawing of the attraction, and at least 8 facts about each attraction.


Please email or blog pictures of your work - we look forward to reading what you find out!

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