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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Christmas 2020

Twas the weeks before Christmas, when all through St John's, the children were excited as the festivities had begun! 


The children received a special surprise on Monday morning, SANTA!!! The children were all very excited to see him as well as Miss Armstrong and Mrs Glynn. laugh

We all enjoyed tucking into a scrumptious school Christmas dinner and celebrated Christmas Jumper Day!

We had so much fun playing Santa says, dancing, past the parcel and pin the tale on the Reindeer. We needed a little lie down and played sleeping Elves, the children also had a little surprise when the woke up glitter was all over the classroom!!! laugh

A Visit from Dasher the Reindeer. Don't forget to leave Dasher a custard cream on Christmas Eve!

As part of spreading our wonderful Christmas spirit, St Johns have adopted their very own Grandad or Grandmas.

We have Mr Tobin as our adopted Grandad, we have created a fantastic Christmas card  which the children presented to him. Mr Tobin works very hard at our school and the children are very grateful for his work. We hope Mr Tobin has a lovely Christmas!

We have also created lots of beautiful Christmas cards that have been sent to the Care Homes in our local area. We hope the ladies and gentlemen who receive them have a lovely Christmas. 

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