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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st February

Task 1

Maths - Learning 13.

Click on the link - Subitising to 10.

Watch Numberblocks - Meet 13.

Get you blocks and make a tower of 10. Remember you can use other objects if you don't have blocks. 


Get 3 more blocks and out them beside your tower of 10. How many have you got? Remember you don't have to count the tower of 10.

Now make a tower of 10, 11 and 12 objects and put them in the correct with your 13.


Task 2

Phonics - Learn th

First get your Phase 3 sound mats out. Watch the video underneath - Finding sounds.

Click on the link - Mr Thorne and Geraldine the giraffe learn th.

Book hunt for 'th' words. Write 5 'th' words on your whiteboards. Can you read them?

Choose one 'th' word and say a sentence, write a sentence and read the sentence.

Finding Sounds

Still image for this video

Task 3

Literacy & C & L - Emma Jane's Aeroplane.

Click on the link - Emma Jane's Aeroplane and listen to the story.

C & L - Talking Time

Who are the characters in the story?

Where does Emma Jane visit?

Have you been on an aeroplane?

Where did you go? If you haven't been on an aeroplane where would you like to go?

Literacy - Story map

I would like you to draw a story map and label where she goes.



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