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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 17th June

Happy Wednesday you have made it to the half way point of the week! You are working so hard well done! Keep reading, blogging, emailing, TTRS and keep active! 

Keep going with the PE and challenges!

Still not enough children are blogging me or logging onto TT RockStars, it is really important that you do!

Here are today's tasks:


Walking Wednesday! Get out and see if you can spot all these on a nature walk!


Task 1: English

LO: To develop vocabulary and sentences to create atmosphere.

From the PDF document below use the picture to complete the activities. Use your imagination and get creative! There is no wrong answers here! Enjoy!


Task 2: Maths

LO: To use an appropriate unit of measure and to covert between mm, cm and m.

Use the PowerPoint slides below and follow the instructions. Complete all the work into you exercise books (there is a table at the end to copy out and complete). Remember there are cm and mm on a rule you use at school, but m (meters) are what you might use to measure the playground etc...

Now log onto TT Rockstars and practice for 15 mins! I will be checking who has done this!


Task 3: Music

LO: Latin American Music

The next stop on our world tour is Latin America - and area we are all ready familiar with as this is where Samba originates! There are two tasks to complete.

For task 1, watch the short video which tells you about all the different instruments used in Latin American music - then make a list of all 19 instruments, and put a tick next to the instruments we have used in our samba lessons.

For task 2, watch the short video that explains the different styles of Latin American music. Then choose one other style of Latin American music and compare it to Samba. Use a table (like the one in the powerpoint) to list the instruments you recognise in each style, then think about how the styles are similar, and different. Some ideas to think about are how the music sounds, is it happy, sad, does it tell a story, are any of the instruments the same?

Please remember to send in your work in the comments of the music blog, or by email to Mr Steele


Instruments from Latin America


Latin American music styles


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