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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 11th January

Good morning Year 5! I hope you all had a good weekend and are being kind to everybody at home. Here we are at the beginning of another week of home learning. You worked so hard last week and I am impressed with your efforts. Please keep this up!


You all know how I feel about reading and there’s nothing more that I like than reading a novel together every half term. Even though we are not all together, I would like us to still do this! Myself and the children in school are going to start reading Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. I have uploaded a PDF document of the book on our main class page above your work so that you can read the story too. You might even have your own copy of the book at home. I may even set you tasks to do on the book sometimes. I’m excited as I’ve never read the book! Please make a start today and read chapters 1 and 2.


Please remember to read at home using the website GETEPIC that I told you about on Friday. I have assigned you a book to read and then I would also like you to choose your own books to read. A big shout out to Isabelle and Noah W who have made an excellent start on this and read lots of books already. Lots of you told me you read the book I assigned you but it says you are still yet to complete it…make sure you click ‘finish book.’ I will be assigning more books for you to read this week.


As usual, there are 3 tasks for you to do today. Please make sure you email or blog your work.

LO – To understand the features of a discussion text.

This week we are going to look at discussion texts. This is a type of text that looks at the for and against points of a certain topic. For example you could have a discussion text on:


Should children choose their own bedtime?
Is it right for children to wear school uniform?
Should animals be kept in zoos?


Please click on the link and watch the video below which tells you all about the features of a discussion text.

I would then like you to complete 2 tasks


  1. Write a simple success criteria for a discussion text. This means what a discussion text includes and what features it has. The video and the picture above should help you with this.
  2. Open up the document below which has 4 ideas for discussion texts. For each text, it has lots of statements that are either FOR or AGAINST. Your task is to choose 1 of the discussion texts and sort the statements into FOR or AGAINST. You may choose to do more than 1 of the discussion texts if you wish to.

LO – To interpret negative numbers

Please watch the video below on negative numbers. Pause the video each time it asks you to answer a question and write it down in your book. Then complete the worksheet below and mark it. Take your time

This task is optional if you finish your work quickly and find it easy.

LO – To understand the effects of gravity

Today in Science we are going to start our Forces topic. Today we are going to look at the force of Gravity. I would like you to read the information on the slides below and also click on the links to watch the videos.

You then have 2 activities that I would like you to complete.


  1. Write a paragraph on Isaac Newton and tell me about his life and his discovery. Then do the same for Galileo Galilei.
  2. Investigate the effects of gravity. Follow the instructions on the slides below to set up and complete your own gravity investigation.

Have a wonderful day. I'll be waiting for your emails and blog posts! smiley

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