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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - May 2022

A Platinum Jubilee Assembly

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The St Johns Great British Bake Off Day! All the children were invited to bake one of the Queen's Favourite Afternoon Tea Cake Recipes. You could choose from Chocolate Biscuit Cake, Lemon Drizzle cake or Scones. We had a yummy time tasting in class and then our finalists met in the hall for the final round!

Bake Off Pictures!

Year 2 flag designs

Year 2 Queen's Guards

Year 4s Bake Off Entries

Year 6 Jubilee Bake-Off

Red, White & Blue Dress Up Day - with some historical people too! Well done everyone for a great effort!

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebration Lunch - we had a wonderful time altogether in the Hall followed by a choice of extra long play or a lunchtime movie in the Hall (The Queen's Corgi film of course!!)

St Johns Staff - Jubilee Lunch 2022 - one for the archive!

Our Platinum Jubilee Tree Planting Ceremony. We have added an Apple Tree to "The Queen's Canopy". It was planted by the oldest & youngest pupils in school- George & Francesca. They did an amazing job in very blustery conditions, cheered on by the rest of the school. We are looking forward to spring blossoms and our first harvest of Cox Orange Pippin apples!

Crown Making in Early Years!

Dancing Through The Decades…. Click here to listen to your class song! 

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