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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 9th April

Good morning Year 2! 


You have worked SO hard over the last 3 weeks! I am so incredibly proud of you all. Thank you for your time and amazing efforts to complete the daily tasks. You are all super stars! I am so grateful for the help and support from your adults too. heart


The Easter holidays begin tomorrow, so please make time to read everyday and you can also use our online resources 'TTR' and 'Education City' in the holidays too. Please see our 'Helpful Websites for Home' page under 'Children' on our website for other fabulous learning opportunities. 


*If you would like to listen to our virtual 'Easter Read Around', please find the presentation on the main class page of our website- see if you can recognise our voices wink*


At the bottom of this page, I've set an optional task to do over Easter which would finish off our RE topic beautifully, should you wish to complete it, which would be lovely smiley 


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and a lovely break to enjoy the sunshine.

Keep safe and smiling laugh Love, Miss Dewhurst x


Thursday 9th April       09/04/2020


Thursday morning PE lesson with Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Maths- L.O. Inverse operations

Log on to ‘Education City’ and access the class work named ‘Calculation Station’. Work your way through the learn screen and activities.

In your red maths book, please put the short date and objective at the top (underline both). Then, if you have a printer, please print and complete the worksheets on ‘Calculation Station’, folding and sticking them in your book afterwards. If you haven’t got a printer, please copy the answers into your red book.

Remember- 1 number per square please!



English- Please find your beginning, build up and problem on the A4 paper of your chapter for your land at the top of the Faraway Tree. Today, we are going to finish our chapter and write the resolution and ending- What happens? How do they escape? They go home. Here’s mine as an example:


Suddenly, a gigantic pepperoni pizza appeared, hovered next to them at the tremendous height they were being carried at, then whizzed by them like an alien spaceship. Ben had an idea. He told his sisters and Moonface that they must jump on to the magnificent pizza when it returns in order to escape! They all agreed it was a brilliant idea. Ice Queen was far too distracted to reach the deep fat fryer that she couldn’t hear the children muttering below. Within a matter of seconds, the pepperoni pizza had returned. Carefully, the children and Moonface balanced on Ice Queen’s long, chocolate flake arm, held hands and took a huge leap of faith onto the tasty, saucy pizza… They made it! As quick as a flash, the pizza zoomed off, carrying the children and Moonface back through the Land of Junkfood. In an instant, Moonface spotted the hole through the clouds, and the gang, once again, had to jump off. They closed their eyes, 1, 2, 3…. Oomph!! The gang had landed on top of the fluffy, white clouds. Hastily, they began to climb down the small, wooden ladders, back to the Faraway Tree.


The children and Moonface couldn’t believe that they had managed to escape the evil Ice Queen! The gang let out a relieved giggle.


After climbing down the magical tree, Moonface waved the children goodbye with a softening smile as they headed back home through the Enchanted Wood. Ben, Daisy and Olivia were ready for a well-earned rest after another strange, but brilliant day of adventures.



RE- L.O. To know about the story of Good Friday.

Shortly, after the Last Supper, Jesus was taken prisoner by those who were jealous of him. This is what happened. The story is from Mark’s Gospel (in the power point below).


Every year, on Good Friday, the day after Maundy Thursday, the Church remembers this sad time. At the Good Friday service, everyone comes up to venerate the Cross and listen to the Readings about what happened.


Often during Lent, Christians remember Jesus’ death by praying the Stations of the Cross (station means stopping place). In Church, there are 14 (sometimes 15 if the Resurrection is included) plaques around Church showing the journey of Jesus to His crucifixion. Christians remember Jesus died for everyone.


In your writing journal, please put the date and learning objective. Then, draw a large Cross with a ruler (you might need an adult to help you) that shows the events of Good Friday in it. Colour it in neatly. Underneath, describe what the Cross means to Christians in their daily lives. 



*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*



*OPTIONAL RE TASK FOR EASTER*- To know about Easter Sunday.

Good Friday was not the end of the story. After Jesus had died on the Cross, his friends came and took his body, buried it in a stone tomb and rolled a huge stone in front of the opening. They had not got time to prepare Jesus’ body as it was the Sabbath. Matthew’s Gospel tells us what happens next (in the power point below)


On Easter Sunday, people celebrate the new life that God gave to Jesus, the church is decorated with flowers, the priest wears a white or gold vestment and there is lots of singing, especially Alleluias, to show how happy everyone is.


On some blank A4 paper, use the letters of the word Alleluia or Risen to write an acrostic poem about Jesus’ new life. You can do this in different coloured pens or crayons with lovely pictures and decorations around it. Here is my example:


R ejoice, Jesus has risen!

I lluminous bright flowers in church

S ing Alleluia

E verybody celebrate

N ew life given by God


If you do complete this task, please take a picture! I’d love to see them after the holidays! heartlaugh

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