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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 27th January

Good morning Year 5! I cannot believe we are midway through the school week already! Did you like yesterday’s lesson looking at the greater bulldog bat? I couldn’t believe how big they were and would definitely scream if I came across one! Thank you to those children who are continuously sending their work. It’s brilliant to see how hard you are working.


I have some news about GETEPIC…Year 1 have taken over us with how many books they have read! We have read 310 so keep going! I cannot believe how well you have done with this and how enthusiastic you have been. Let me know which books you have enjoyed on there so I can recommend them to the rest of the class.


Here are your lessons for today. You must blog or email your work.

LO -
to use a range of subordinating conjunctions to write multi-clause (complex) sentences.

Yesterday’s lesson focused on coordinating conjunctions and you learnt that there are 7 coordinating conjunctions. Can you say them all in your head? Today we are continuing with conjunctions but are going to look at subordinating conjunctions. A subordinating clause is a part of a sentence that adds additional information to the main clause. A subordinating conjunction is simply the word/words that is used to join a subordinating clause to another clause or sentence.


"He was annoyed, the train had stopped."

"He was annoyed because the train had stopped."


By adding 'because' we are linking the subordinating clause "the train had stopped" with the main clause "He was annoyed".


Follow the link below and complete the lesson which is today on emperor penguins. Just like yesterday, watch the video and read the description, read the grammar bit, complete the whiteboard challenges and then finally complete the worksheet. I have downloaded it for you below.

The following task is optional if you finish your work quickly and would like to continue your learning. Click on the link to find your questions. The answers are there for you to mark your work but don’t cheat!

LO – To multiply and divide whole numbers by 10,100 and 1000.

Your lesson today is on the school videos page, under videos for year 5. It is called ‘Multiplying and Dividing by 10,100 and 1000 – 27/1/21.’ You can also click the link below. Please listen to me carefully and PAUSE THE VIDEO AFTER I READ AND EXPLAIN EACH QUESTION. This is your time to work out the answer. If you need to listen to my explanation again, rewind it.

Here are the answers to the questions in the video. Mark your work and let me know how you found the questions!

If you finish and would like to continue your learning, click on the link below which will take you to some more questions. Choose to do part A,B or C. A is the easier section and C is more challenging. You will need to click on full screen and zoom in.

LO – To explore rhythm

Hello Year 5!

Here are the instructions for today’s exciting samba lesson. It concentrates on time-keeping and pulse skills.


  1. Click on the link below to the school videos page. There you will find a clip for Y5 recorded by your Samba teacher which demonstrates the rhythms you need for today’s lesson.
  2. Click on the instruction sheet below which explains the video clip.
  3. Finally, click on the activity sheet below. There are questions to answer in your exercise book. (If you are struggling, look back at last week’s information sheet to help you).
  4. Send your work and maybe clips of you practising these rhythms to your teacher in the normal way.


We hope you enjoy your samba music lesson!


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