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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 11th June

Good morning everybody! 

Another day of lockdown learning was smashed by Year 6 yesterday. (That sentence used the passive voice - was and by). Amelia blew my socks off with her description of the creature under the boat. The intensity she created was immense so look out for her writing on the WAGOLL. I also saw some fabulous RE posters from Leo and Chelsea as well as some great Venn Diagram work. Many people scored 100% on the Education City prefix units. What can I say! Mrs Baird and I are very proud of the effort you are making. FABULOUS! What are we up to today? Let's get going!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 11-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Today's dance is another Kidz Bop one called Can't Stop the Feeling. Click on the link below and learn some new dance moves. Enjoy!

KIDZ BOP Kids - Can't Stop The Feeling! (Dance Tutorial) [KIDZ BOP]

Dance along with The KIDZ BOP Kids and learn the moves to 'Can't Stop The Feeling!' ⬇ Listen to KIDZ BOP ⬇ iTunes: Amazon Music: h...


L.O Representing data using Carroll Diagrams

Today we are continuing to look at data, this time we are looking at Carroll Diagrams (sometimes called sorting diagrams). Go to the maths folder on the class page. Watch the explanation video first. When you have watched the video click on the PDF document to see your questions. Send me your work in the usual way. Type answers on the BLOG or write in your book and send picture. You can also email your work.

I will post the answers tomorrow.


LO: To understand a text

Find your orange KS2 English READING SATS Buster 10 Minute Test Book 1. Complete: Set A Test 2 on page 5. When you have finished, use the answers at the back of the book to mark your work out of 8 and post this score. 

LO: To build tension in writing

Today you are going to imagine you are Francis, just like you did on Tuesday, and write her diary entry for the scary time when she was out in the row boat. It will be 3 paragraphs long. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find out more information about the task for today.

CGI Animated Shorts : "Francis" - Directed by Richard Hickey | TheCGBros

Check out this well animated and creepy CGI animated film "Francis", Directed by Richard Hickey, and written by Dave Eggers. The story of "Francis" came abou...


L.O Plants make food in their leaves and this is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS.

Go the the science folder on the class page to find your work. First watch the video and then read the slides. 

Part 1- Watch the video on photosynthesis.

Part 2- Draw a Carroll Diagram using leaves. Send me a picture if possible. 

Part 3- Optional. There are a couple of experiments using leaves that you can try. 


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