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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 13th May

Good morning Year 2, I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


**Remember to log onto TTRS and take part in our Boys vs Girls tournament!**


Wednesday 13th May    13/05/2020


Maths- Comparing fractions with the same denominator

Please watch the video below. 


Then, I would like you to work your way through the questions in the power point below, answering them in your red book.

English-  L.O. To identify and use coordinating conjunctions.

Please read the power point below and complete the little sentence activities from the slides in your green book. Then, I would like you to find your 'Using different types of conjunctions' worksheet from your yellow folder and complete it.


Science- L.O. To know that plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.

Please log on to Education City and access the classwork 'Science 13/05/2020'. Work your way through the learn screens and activities on your laptop. If you get a message saying content requires Adobe flash player, click to download it then at the top right of the screen, click 'Allow once'. Please print and complete the worksheets or copy the work into your green writing book, with the date and objective.


Well done Year 2. 

I am so proud of you.

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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