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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 6th April

Good morning Year 2! I hope you've had a lovely, quiet weekend. heart


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Please send me an email at least once or twice a week to say hello and to tell me how you're getting on, with any lovely pictures of work you have completed. 


I am monitoring your activity online daily, please make sure you're accessing your daily tasks!


Monday 6th April       06/04/2020


Monday morning PE lesson with Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Maths- L.O. To use the commutative law of addition.

Log on to ‘Education City’ and access the class work named ‘Commutative law addition 06/04/2020’. Work your way through the learn screen and activities.

In your red maths book, please put the short date and objective at the top (underline both). Then, if you have a printer, please print and complete the worksheet on ‘Adding order’, folding and sticking it in your book afterwards. If you haven’t got a printer, please copy the answers into your red book.

Remember- 1 number per square please!



English- L.O. To plan a story.

I would like you to create a story mountain for your own Magic Faraway Land chapter. You will need to think of your own magical land, main characters and settings. Be creative!

Your story structure will be split into 5 parts; beginning, build up, problem, resolution, ending.


In your green writing book, please could you follow my layout below, using subtitles, then write a sentence or two what would happen in your story for each part. (This is only a plan, try not to go into too much detail)

Here’s mine to help you:


Main characters                             Setting

Ben                                              The Enchanted Wood

Daisy                                            Magic Faraway Tree

Olivia                                            The Land of Junk Food


Ice Queen                                     



The children enter the mysterious Enchanted Wood. They are very excited for their next adventure.


Build up

The children climb the Magic Faraway Tree and meet Moonface. They all climb the ladders to see the new land, it is ‘The Land of Junkfood’. They explore the land which is filled with both hot and cold unhealthy foods and they enjoy eating everything.



Suddenly, an enormous, evil Ice Queen appears! She is furious with the children for eating her land and wants to turn them into turkey dinosaurs as a punishment! The Ice Queen scoops up the children and heads towards the colossal deep fat fryer.



Luckily, the children manage to jump onto a passing pizza UFO and quickly escape back to the hole in the clouds. They hastily climb down the ladder, back to the Faraway Tree.



The children leave the Enchanted Wood after another strange but brilliant day of adventures.



Art- In your yellow art book, please could you draw and colour me a portrait of your villain from your Magic Faraway Tree land. Give them a name and then label their features… Let your imaginations go wild! I’d love to see your pictures of these on our school blog! wink


*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*


Thank you for all your wonderful activity, blogs and emails last week. I love seeing what you've all been up to, it really makes me smile and feel so proud.

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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