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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd February

Task 1

Maths - Making 13.

Click on the link - Subitising to 10.

Get 10 small objects and drop them on the floor. Close your eyes and your adult will take some. You look and see how many are left? Repeat the activity 5 times.


  How many? Did you Subitise?

Now let's make 13 using a part whole model.

Draw 1 in your exercise book or on your whiteboards. Remember 13 goes in the whole (top) circle. 13 is the whole number. Get 13 counters/objects and split them up into two groups (part part).

What two numbers make 13?


Task 2

Phonics - learn ee.

Click on the link - Mr Thorne and Geraldine the Giraffe learn ee.

Book hunt for 'ee' words. Write 5 'ee' words on your whiteboards. Can you read them?

Play matching pairs with 'ee' words:

cheese, sheep, jeep, seed, feed, sheet, need, teeth, week & feet.

Good Luck smiley


Task 3

RE, UW, PSED and C & L - Celebrations - Chinese New Year.

Next week Friday 12th February 2021, China will be celebrating Chinese New Year. This links to our story this week Emma Jane's Aeroplane, she visits Beijing which is in China.

Click on the link - Cbeebies, celebrating Chinese New Year.

Click on the link to School videos underneath and find videos for Reception 2020 - 2021 - Watch Chinese New Year Story.

This year is the Year of the Ox. Look at the Wheel of the Chinese Zodiac and find out what animal it was when you were born. Mrs Collins was born in the Year of the Rat. Draw an Ox for 2021 and the animal for either 2015 or 2016.

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