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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Forest School 2024 please click for more information

We are happy to announce that Forest school is back! 



Please see below information regarding dates and clothing for the sessions. A reminder message will be sent prior to the day. 

Take a look at our Forest school journey

14th October Session 3 - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,.....


Today we created rockets to send to the moon, we used recycled plastic bottles and cardboard to make our nose cones. Our mission was to see who could send their rocket to space, the highest rocket won.

It was only right that Miss Armstrong was our judge. 

We had the pleasure of meeting Hedgehogs chicken called 'Chickira' she was very friendly and enjoyed exploring our secret garden. We hope to see her again soon! 

Year 5 ready to launch in T-minus 5,4,3,2,1......

Year 5 launch their 'Space Rockets'

Still image for this video

7th October Session 2 - Orbiting the sun, during todays session we made sundials to recognise how we can use the sun to tell the time. 

We have used tools during this session to help create our own sundials independently. Our teacher has set the class a challenge to see if we can place these in our gardens at home, to see if they will work.

30th September Session 1 - A very wet Monday well spent in the puddles, searching for wooden planets.

We love playing 21 seconds but wow the it was very slippery! 

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