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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 31st March


Happy Tuesday get up and ready for the day with this Active 8 Minute Workout Featuring Izzy | The Body Coach TV

This is another great 8 minute workout, suitable for all ages. 8 exercises | 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Run on the spot Running punches Front kicks Cr...


Task 1: Maths

LO: To understand whole numbers

From the Inspire Assessment Book 4 complete Test 1 (Whole numbers 1 Section A and Whole Numbers 2 Section B)

(Pages 1 - 3)

Please log onto TT Rockstars when you have completed the task so I know who has had a go (even if you struggle to complete it just go onto TT Rockstars, remember all I ask is you have a go!)




Task 2: English

LO: To develop vocabulary and sentences to create atmosphere.

From the slides below use the picture to complete one of the activities. Use you imagination and get creative! There is no wrong answers here! 

The Tunnel

Extra Challenge: Why not try another slide/activity! 


Task 3: French

French Task from Mrs Miskell

Today I'd like you to watch the video below about saying what fruit you like. As you watch the video, write down the names in French of the 8 fruits you see.

I'd then like you to write 8 sentences saying which of the fruits you like or dislike, for example:

j'aime les....... = I like .........

je n'aime pas les........ = I don't like ........


The word that is missing in the sentences is the name of a fruit you learned in the video!


Please complete the work in your exercise books, and if you can add a picture to today's blog so I can see all your hard work!

J'aime les fruits - alain le lait (I like fruits)

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