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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Last day of term!



Today is the last day of Home Learning Tasks and then we can all take a well earned break from logging on! Thank you to all the parents and children who have supported learning at home and juggled everything to complete the work set and email us!

You have been amazing! 

To our Nursery Leavers- well done on a super time at Nursery. We will miss having you in class but we will look forward to seeing you walk through Nursery and in the EYFS outside area.

To our returning Nursery childen- we can't wait to have you back in September. We have missed you! We have lots of new children coming and will need all you big boys and girls to help me and Mrs Clough and Miss Barnes.

And finally to Miss Kidd- we are all going to miss you. You have been lovely to work with and we wish you well on your new chapter in your journey as a teacher. xxxx


Love from all the Nursery Team xxx



Task 1 - Phonics

Please do try to keep up your phonics practice over the summer so you can impress Mrs Collins with your letter sound knowledge and segementing and blending skills in September. This will be vital for early reading,

Task 2: Help to make an End of Term Celebration Lunch! 

  • Can you help to make sandwiches?
  • Could you count biscuits on to a plate so everyone has enough?
  • Could you help to wash the grapes or cut the fruit?
  • Maybe you can put the crisps into a dish! 


Use all your self care skills and fine motor skils to open packets, use utensils and help to prepare the food for out end of year celebration. We will be thinking about you as we have our lunch at school today!



Task 3 - Free Choice! 

Go back and choose something you have enjoyed doing! Will it be another ICT task or some singing or dancing or a number game....... or maybe a jigsaw or den making task? 

Have Fun!


Don't forget -Nursery Leavers are encouraged to come and ring the Nursery doorbell today between 9.15 and 12.15 to collect their end of Nursery treats and their Learning Journey File. Any Home Learning can then be added to it at the back if you wish. 

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