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Click on the links below which will take you to your Maths lessons. Start at lesson 1 and do a lesson each day until you return to school. There are 10 lessons in total that should cover a full 2 week isolation. You don’t need to do the whole 10 lessons in one day.
Our topic at the minute in Maths is Angles. The lessons below all focus on Angles and should compliment the work we have been doing in class. Click on the link to access the lessons.
These lessons will also relate to our learning in class on Angles. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet.
NEW - Here are some worksheets finding missing angles. The first document is finding missing angles on a straight line and the second document is finding missing angles around a point.
The second sheet on each document is more of a challenge than the first. The first sheet can be one days work and the second sheet another days work. Remember, all angles on a straight line add up to 180 º and angles around a point add up to 360º.
Alternatively, you can have a go at the lessons below which focus on problem solving with integer addition and subtraction.