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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 7th January

Good morning Year 3.

You have got 3 home learning tasks today, they are:

1. Maths

2. English

3. Science


I would also like you to do some reading and to play on TTRS. These are things that you should be doing every day. Please can you also comment on today's post on the blog so that I have heard from you.

Below I have attached a link to the video section of the website where if you click on 'Videos for Year 3 2020-2021' you will find a video of me reading the next chapter of The Creakers! I thought we could continue to enjoy this book together!


Have a lovely day,

Love Mrs Sethi


LO:  To divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.


Today we are moving onto looking at division. You need to carefully watch the video I have posted below that explains the lesson. Then you need to complete the worksheet. I have put a times table sheet below too for you to use if you need it.

Divide 2-digits by 1 digit (1)

Times tables


LO:  To complete a comprehension on a biography.

We are going to look at some biographies these next few weeks. These are pieces of writing that are written about a famous person’s life and are written by an author. Below, I have attached a biography about Roald Dahl. He is famous for writing lots of children’s books, like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that we read recently! I would like you to read the biography and then answer the questions in your English homework books. Please remember to answer in full sentences.

Roald Dahl Comprehension and Questions


LO: To explore magnets.

Today Year 3 we are going to do some Science based on the topic we looked at before Christmas – Magnets. I wonder if you can find some magnets in your house and explore what is magnetic in your house? I bet you find lots of things that are magnetic.

I would like you to look through the power point I have attached below, reading the information carefully. Then you need to open your Yellow Home Learning Pack and find the two sheets called ‘Exploring Magnets’.

I would then like you to complete both of these worksheets. On the second worksheet where it asks you to test your predictions, if you don’t have any magnets to use, don’t worry. You can leave that last section if you don’t have the magnets to test it with.

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