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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 21st January 2021

Good morning everyone,


I hope you are all well and you are all keeping safe with your families. If you do go out for exercise on walks please be careful as the weather keeps changing. I think Padiham is trying to become the Arctic! Stay safe and have a lovely day.

Please remember to send your work to:


Your lessons for today are below, but first lets start with a little exercise. 


Happy Dance


Today can you please complete pages 14-15 today in your Phonics booklet. Throughout the day ask a grown up to test you on your sounds, see how many words your can think of? Remember to only use pencils for these booklets.


Today I would like you to retell the story we listened too yesterday all about the girl who went to the Arctic.

 Can you remember certain parts of the story?

I would like you to have a go, do not worry if you find this difficult have a good try. You can click the link below to listen to the story again. Please use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops to create your sentences. I have attached two worksheets below please only use ONE. There is an option of one with outline images already chosen for you or option two where you can choose different parts of the story to retell as well as drawing your own illustrations to match your sentences. Please complete today’s lesson in your GREEN home learning book.


LO: To confidently count in 5's to 50.



Today I would like you to complete a worksheet focusing on counting in 5’s. You are all working super hard and I can tell lots of you have been practicing. I have attached a Numberblocks episode for you to watch once you have completed your worksheet. There is no learning screen for today.


I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

Count by 5's


Good Morning Year 1smiley

Thank you to all those children who sent me work last week, I really enjoyed looking at it!


This week we are continuing to find out about where we live. Please look at the power point and try to complete the questions on Worksheet 2A. 

This week it's all about the United Kingdom and the countries within it. How much do you already know I wonder and how much do you remember from previous learning!

Please remember to try your very best and present your work carefully.

Thank you,

Mrs Clough

Power point for 21-01-21. The United Kingdom

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