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Good morning Year 6!
It is Wednesday so we have made it to the middle of the week. There's only one more week of home learning after this one! Lots of you sent some excellent work yesterday but not for ALL 3 subjects. Don't choose which work to complete, you must finish ALL 3 lessons.
We enjoyed our Teams Meeting for Year 6 Home Learners yesterday so remember to join today at 9.10am.
Let's keep up that brilliant work today!
Today's exercise choices:
1. Go outside for a refreshing walk.
2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines.
3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his exercise routine. (He's back on today).
4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!
There's some good news today! Our grand total of books read has increased steadily to 351! A massive well done to our top readers yesterday - Kainen, Giuseppe, Charlie, Annalise and Dylan. Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day and our total will keep growing!
Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 24-2-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.
LO: To use persuasive language
Read the information and instructions on the slides below to find out how to complete today's lesson successfully. You will enjoy this one!
Maths Topic- Integers and Decimals
L.O Strategies for Subtraction.
Last half term we were looking at strategies for addition. Today’s lesson follows on from this and focuses on strategies for subtraction. Remember, if we know 5+4=9 then we know
9-5=4 and 9-4=5. We can use this simple fact to work out lots of other calculations. Eg 90-50=40
We can use different strategies such as rounding or partitioning.
There is a game that you will need dice and a partner so don’t worry if you can’t do this. On the independent task you have 5 subtractions to do. Use the most efficient strategy you can.
Get your book and pen ready. Your teacher is Mrs Harris again, and she will guide you through your lesson.
I have also attached the questions on a pdf.
Click on the link below to open your lesson and let me know how you did on the BLOG or EMAIL. What did you score on the quiz?
RE - L.O Learning about LENT
Last Wednesday it was ASH WEDNESDAY and it was the day that LENT began.
Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. Lent lasts 40 days which reminds us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying. During Lent we should try to do 3 things that will bring us closer to God.
Read the slides below. There are 4 questions that I want you to answer but I want 5 ideas for each question. Write the work in your book and send me a picture on the BLOG or EMAIL.