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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Year 1 and Happy Tuesday!


I am so glad to see you are exercising with Joe.

I saw Oliver yesterday  and he looked ready for Joe.

Vincent apparently gave his own PE lesson in the afternoon for his family too!

Super news.laugh


Today Miss Kidd has left your science on this page under here for you to get on with. 


I also have your Maths and English.

Well done by the way for being such super scavengers!

I received some great evidence of this yesterday.


Today's Maths is further multiplication and recapping of facts. You will need to have some counters ready I think.

Also, before logging onto Education City practise counting in 2's, 5's and 10's with your grown ups as these are the things you will need in order to complete the work.

The work is called Multiplication Tuesday 12th May.

Get counting!


Then for your English work I would like you to use your Comprehension Targeted Question Book.

On P14 you need to decide who the person is who fits each sentence. Read the questions carefully.

P15 asks you to decide if the picture matches the sentence or not. Again, careful reading is needed.

P16 asks again for you to read the sentence and see if it matches the picture or not.


As well as this I have recorded myself reciting The Owl and The Pussycat and perhaps you can listen or join in with me?

Then I read Julia Donaldson's Further Adventures of The Owl and the Pussycat which I thought you may wish to listen to.

It was nice to read a story.

I imagined that we were all in class and you were sitting listening to me.

It made me smilesmiley

I will post this under this work for you to use when you wish. Have a lovely day and please send your work to me


Thank you

Mrs Cloughheart

The Owl and the Pussycat and the Further Adventures

owl and pussycat Julia d (

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