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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 13th July

Good morning Year 5. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Our last week of home learning has arrived! I cannot believe we have done 14 weeks altogether. I’ve heard from some of you every single day which is absolutely fantastic. Please try your best to carry on working this week. I feel sad we are not spending this week together celebrating your time in Year 5 but I am so proud of you all. I hope to hear from you all this week to say goodbye!



Here are your lessons for today:

LO – To answer questions on a given text.

Today I would like you to get your CGP Comprehension Book. I would like you to read ‘A Letter from E.B. White’ on p20 and then answer the questions on p21. I would also like you to read ‘Poems about Knights’ on p22 and then answer the questions on p23. That’s 14 questions in total. Read the extracts carefully and take your time when answering the questions.

LO – To solve a range of problems involving number.

Today’s work is in your Inspire Maths Assessment book. Turn to page 15 which is called ‘Check-up 1.’ I would like to complete Section A – numbers 1-25. This is all revision so you should be able to have a go at all the questions. Get somebody to mark your work and send me your score through email or the blog.


If you want to, you can complete Section B however this is optional. The questions are a little trickier but a calculator can be used. Have a go!

Review of the year

Today’s Science lesson is a review of everything we have learnt over the year! Yes, the full year! You will definitely have to think and concentrate. Log on to Education City and find your classwork called ‘13/7/20 – Science.’ Complete the assessment carefully using your best efforts.


Remember I can see who has accessed this so please make sure you do it.

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