Good morning Year 3,
Well done for yesterday's work! I am loving seeing your faces in the morning on TEAMs too!
Make sure you look on the newsletter tonight to see who is our Home Learner and School Learner of the week!
Today you have 3 tasks:
1. Maths
2. English
3. Science
I would also like you to read chapter 3 and 4 of 'Case of the Sabotaged Spaghetti' on get epic and play on TTRS of course! Make sure you comment on the blog too!
Have a great day, and a lovely weekend! We may have some more snow to play in this weekend!
Love Mrs Sethi x
LO: To interpret pictograms and complete an Arithmetic paper.
Today’s lesson is in two parts. First I would like you to work your way through the Power point below. There are questions for you to answer on pictograms, please do these into your squared book.
When you have finished that, I would also like you to complete the arithmetic paper I have attached below. I will post the answers onto the blog at 2pm for you to mark your own work and comment with your score.
LO: To complete a comprehension.
Today you are going to do a comprehension activity in your CGP books. Find these in your home learning packs please. Then turn to page 4 and read the text ‘Building Stonehenge’. After that, you need to answer the questions on page 5. Remember to use the text to answer your questions and always try to answer in full sentences. Send me a picture of your work!
LO: To group foods and understand which foods we eat for energy.
We have looked a lot at the different types of food we have in our diet. Today’s lesson is on Education City and I would like you to find the classwork called ‘Friday 5th February – Science’ These activities are about food groups and the foods that we use to gain energy. On the first one, you need to match up the foods with the correct group by spinning it. Then you have a worksheet where you have to identify if foods help us grow or give us energy. Carbohydrates give us lasting energy for a long time and sugary foods give us short bursts of energy.
Remember, I can check if you have been on Education City, so please make sure you complete the work set.