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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 30th March

Hello Year 5! It soon comes round to Monday. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of home learning. I know you're going to impress me as much as you did last week. Your work for today is below. I will be tracking who completes their work on Education City and you must keep in contact with me through commenting on my posts on the blog. Most of you were fabulous at this last week and it was lovely to keep in contact with you all. I also enjoyed your emails for any queries, help/advice and pictures.


Send these to

LO - To multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10

Your Maths work today is to be completed on Education City. Find it under classwork and complete the game and then the worksheet. We spent a lot of time multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 before school closed so I know you should be good at this. I know some of you may find this easy so you can complete the challenge below if you want to.

LO – To plan a new wonder for The Nowhere Emporium


In our class book, The Nowhere Emporium, a new wonder (or we may say land) appears every so often. There are hundreds of wonders: some fun, some boring, some dangerous, some exciting and so on. However they are all mysterious and full of fantasy. Can you remember the one where Daniel and Ellie did the leap of faith and went flying through space? Imagine Daniel has received the message above from Ellie. What could the wonder be called and what could be inside it? Your task for today is to plan a new room for The Nowhere Emporium. Write the following subheadings in your book and plan your room.

What is the name of your room?
Words/phrases/sentences to show how Daniel is feeling as he reaches for the door handle.
Description of the room.
What does Daniel do in the room?


Here are some pictures that you might want to use as inspiration.

LO – To describe the lifecycle of a butterfly

We are continuing with our work on living things and their habitats and today I would like you to look at the lifecycle of a butterfly. It’s one of my favourite lessons! Watch the video below and read the information on the slides as well as conducting your own research. The lifecycle of a butterfly is an example of metamorphosis. Your task is to choose a British butterfly such as the Red Admiral, Cabbage White, Brimstone, Peacock, Speckled Wood or Comma. Then, research the life and lifecycle of that butterfly which should include:

  • Description
  • Body parts
  • Habitat
  • Diet
  • Lifecycle

You can present your information in any way. Be as creative as you like! You could maybe create a fact card in the shape of a butterfly or turn it into a piece of art work as well. I will leave it up to you but you must email me a picture of the finished product OR comment on my post on the blog to tell me which butterfly what you have chosen and how you presented your work.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

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