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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Fabulous Friday


I cannot believe that it is already Friday again Year 1surprise


I think we should start with Joe again today. I am also very pleased to hear that you are all getting safely outside in the fresh air each day too. I have seen some lovely photos of you.


Today I think we should carry on thinking Phonics, you can never have too many phonics activities!


 Go to Education City and find 'ea/ore and digraphs' In this lesson you will find Wet weather fun, Look for more and Model land. It will make you think about the sounds in words and how to build them.


Then, still on Education City, please find 'Doubling and Halving'. In these lessons you will find Double the fun, Sharing is caring and Don't be shellfish.


Good Luck!


Finally I would like you to find the 'Stepping Out' booklet. Have a look at the activities on the first four pages please and complete these.


Once you have completed these and , of course been reading to or with your adult, you can get ready for the weekend.


Thank you to you and your grown ups again for all the work and emails over the last two weeks. I have enjoyed seeing you enjoying yourselves.


 See you again on Monday

Love Mrs Cloughheart

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