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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 22nd February 2021

Hello Year One,

Welcome back after a lovely week off, I hope that you all have relaxed and enjoyed your time with your family. Fingers crossed we will all be together soon in our wonderful classroom. I have spent the week walking in muddy fields with Winston, we have been on lots adventures and enjoyed lots of snuggles.

I will be speaking to you shortly on our morning session, I can’t wait to see your faces! laugh

During this next half term we will be celebrating LENT, this is an important time where we can reflect on our lives and be more like Jesus.


Lent will last for forty days, this is how long Jesus wandered in the desert fasting whilst he resisted temptations. Lent allows us an opportunity to be like Jesus. We will be looking more into Lent throughout the week with little activities to complete.


 I would like you to think of something that you give up for lent, this could be playing on your xbox for a certain time, not eating chocolate, your favourite biscuit. Think of something that you know you could achieve. I have attached a Lent Calendar where you can tick off the days until Easter. When you have thought of something write this at the top of the page.  Try your best to not give in to temptation, I look forward to seeing all of your Lent Promises.

Please find below your lessons for today, if anyone needs a new school workbook please let me know and we can arrange a new one to be collected.

Have a lovely Monday, work hard!  smiley

Miss Armstrong

Time to wake up our wonderful brains and bodies!


Walking On Sunshine



During this half term every Friday we are going to have a little spelling test to focus on our letter and sounds as well as tricky words. I will tell you your list of spellings every Monday. We will then do a little test on our Friday online session. Please practice these every day, there will be a sound focus for the week that links with your spellings.

This week we will be looking at the alternative way of writing the sound


These are the alternative ways:  a-e, ei, eigh, ay and ey


Today’s focus is looking at ay, watch the video below and see if you can complete the three worksheets afterwards. 

Phonics: The 'ay' spelling

Please see below a list of your spelling to practice this week.


We are going to be starting a new topic in English, we will be focusing on reading, comprehension, writing instructions and many other exciting things.


LO: To make predication about a character based only on the illustrations.

To start off our new topic we have a new story to read! I am not going to be telling you much about the story just yet. Here is an image of a character, have a look at the illustration and answer the question on the worksheet. I would like you to create predictions as to who this character might be, what do they eat, where have they come from? Tomorrow, I will reveal who this character is and all about the story. smiley


LO: To be able to identify using left and right.

Today in Math’s we are going to look at directions and positions. The focus of today’s lesson is to understand which direction is left and which is right. I have set a few tasks to complete, one of which you will need to move your bodies.

Listen to the song below, look out for the different direction and position words. 

Directions Song

Task One:  I have set you a little mission could you stand at your front door. From here choose a room in your house, for example the kitchen or your bedroom. Think how would you get to these places using directions. I would like you to walk to one of these room using the language forwards, backwards, turn, left and right. Have a go, you could if you have a tablet or can use a parent’s phone video yourself moving through the room holding the video. You can then play the video and see which direction and positions you took on your journey.

Task Two: Can you complete the worksheet below colour in the arrows pointing left green and the arrows pointing right red. You can use the images below to help if needed.

Task Three: Complete the Where will I be worksheet. You will need a counter or a figurine. Read the first instruction once you have completed the first step write down where you have landed. It is important that after each instruction you return to the START.


LO: To identify where we can find plants and animal in our local area.  

Our new topic in science is all about Plants and Animals. Today I would like you to explore the outdoors either in your garden or your if you can go outside on a walk. For your lesson today, you will need to create your scientific question wristband first.

This wristband includes the words:

What, Where, Which, Who, How and Why?

These will help you think of scientific questions and answers. Once you have your wristband can you set off on your journey. Whilst you are outside I would you to look for different plants and animals and see how many you can spot. If appropriate, could you pick a leaf or a flower from each different plant and place it in a collecting bag. (only do this if you have permission from your parents.)

Use your ‘Question wristbands’ to ask questions, for example What is this?, or How did it get here?

Think of a range of things you could ask to find out more information. You could also take photos of your findings and place them in your workbooks too. Please complete the worksheet below, remember to label your findings.

Work hard  smiley

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