Good Morning Year 3!
Guess what............. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!! WOO!
I am in school today so I might not be as quick at replying to your emails and blogs, bare with me!
After school I am going to eat some Birthday Cake, yum, and open my presents!
Remember to:
-Practise your spellings
-Play on TTRS for 20 mins
I hope you enjoy today's tasks... here they are!
Love Miss Townson (Birthday Girl hehe)
LO: To subtract fractions.
Today we are going to look at subtracting fractions. Follow the link below and scroll down to Week 2 – Week commencing 27th April (don’t worry about the dates being different).
Click on lesson two – subtract fractions. Watch the video and then complete the activity I have attached below.
LO: To write dialogue between two characters.
Watch the film again Year 3, it’s always good to refresh your mind with what we are focusing on. Then I would like you to have a look at Resource 3a below. You are going to write some dialogue (that mean speech) from the film. You will have to use your imagination as obviously there is no speech in the film, so you are going to think about what the characters might be saying!
I would like you to set your work out in a table, just like resource 3a. Ask an adult to help you if you need it. You will notice that you have to put a stage direction to show how the character is saying it. Resource 3b is a word bank to help you with ideas for the stage directions.
I look forward to seeing your dialogue.
"Soar" by Alyce Tzue
CGI 3D Animated SOAR Short Film by Alyce Tzue.
We are carrying on with our Topic of Rainforest in Geography.
First, click on the power point below and discuss the questions on the first 2 slides with somebody at home:
The climate in a tropical rainforest is hot and humid. Although there are seasons, they are different from ours as the temperature does not change very much. The amount of rainfall does change with the seasons. Look at the line graph on slide 5 showing the average monthly temperatures for Manaus, Brazil. How much does the temperature change?
Even though the amount of rain changes throughout the year, there is usually rain every day in the rainforest even though there is less in the dry season.
Once you have worked your way through the power point, I am going to give you the choice as to which worksheet you do. You choose the challenge! Attached below is a document with Worksheet 3A, 3B or 3D.
Once you have completed one of those, I would like you to also complete worksheet 3C answering questions on your graph.
If you don’t have a printer, you can collect these sheets from the school office.