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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 8th January 2021

Happy Friday Year One!


Well done to the children who have sent me their work this week and to those who have been in school. You have worked super hard.


Super Home Learners Board.

I have printed off a few of your home learning pieces of work and they are displayed in class for everyone to see. I will be putting new pieces of work on the board each week, so I can look at your fabulous work.

We have been provided with a website that will allow you to continue reading at home and so I can see that you are continuing with your daily reading.

The website is similar to education city, I have put the link below. Every other day I will set you a reading activity which I would like you to complete, I will be able to see on my computer your engagement. 


A text will have been sent home with a code, please log in using this code and click on your initials. If you have the same initials as another pupil I have added the second letter of your first name. Any problems please just send an email.



Epic Reading Instructions

Time to wake up out brains and bodies!


Shake Your Sillies Out ♫


Today I would like you to use your comprehension booklet that is in your home learning pack.

Please do pages 2-6, you MUST only use a PENCIL in these books.

After you have done this please watch one of our phonics songs by clicking the link below.

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song

Please sponsor me and support my work by becoming a Patron!! out ...


Then complete pages 2-3 in your Phonics 10-minute Workouts booklet.


I have set a little activity on Education City, you will need to log in with your details. If you are struggling your details are in the front of your Reading Diary. Any problems with logging on please email Miss Armstrong.

Your activity is based on counting in 5’s, have fun and work hard!

Creative Time

To end your Friday, I have set you a little Art task to make an igloo out of any art and crafts resources you have at home, these could be Lego, Playdough, sticking or gluing, scrunching paper or painting a picture. I would like you to use your imagination and create some wonderful igloos.


Remember to ask a grown up for permission before you begin this activity!


Please send a picture of your creation to my email:

Have a lovely weekend stay safe and we look forward to hearing from you all on Monday. 



Miss Armstrong and Mrs Glynn heart

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