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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning and happy Wednesday! Hope you’re all well. Hopefully we haven’t seen the last of the sun and it comes back again soon. Have you all still been keeping active by doing home workouts and walks? I bet a lot of you have been out on your bikes practicing your skills from Bikeability.


Read the instructions carefully below to complete today’s work. Today’s Maths involves Education City and TTRS. Last half term only 15/30 of you were completing your Education City tasks and even less participating in TTRS Battles. That’s only half of the class. Please make sure you do the work I set as it is really important. Let’s see if we can get a full house today.

LO – To use a range of punctuation to indicate parenthesis.

Brackets (which always come in pairs) are used to separate off additional information that would interrupt the flow of a sentence. The additional or extra information inside the brackets is called parenthesis. As well as using brackets to indicate the parenthesis, we can also use dashes or commas. This is something we are very good at in class so we are going to recap it today to ensure we can use it in our writing later on in the week. Here are some examples of parenthesis. Can you identify where I have used it?


  1. The Rhisawnozebtah (a very strange creature indeed) likes to live in rainforests.
  2. The explorers – having recently returned from Mongolia – are setting off on a new safari tomorrow.
  3. The Rhisawnozebtah, the largest flying animal in the world, is certainly very talented.

Open the word document below to find your sentences I would like you to complete. Read the instructions carefully as for some you need to complete the sentence, some you need to add in your own parenthesis and then you need to write your own sentences including parenthesis.


Please post these on the blog or write them in your books and take a picture and email them to me. You can also type straight into the word document when you open it and then email it to me.


Don’t miss the last question! You should be writing 14 sentences in total.

LO – To multiply mixed numbers by integers

There are 2 parts to today’s lesson; you must make sure you do both.

  1. Log into Education City and find today’s work ‘Multiplying Fractions’ under classroom. Listen to the learn screen, complete both of the games and then complete the worksheet. This follows on from our White Rose work from the past two days.
  2. Participate in the TTRS battle which begins at 9am and finished at 3:15pm. The boys won last time (by quite a mile) so I wonder if the girls can catch up today?

I will be monitoring activity on both of these programs.  

LO – To explore the classical orchestra  

Here where we live in Europe, we have our classical orchestra. Our European classical orchestra has instruments and sounds that we are familiar with. As you all know Year 5, the instrument of the orchestra that Mrs. Jones plays is the violin from the string family. You know how this looks and sounds, and I (Mrs Miskell) play the viola, also a member of the string family, just a little bit bigger than a violin. Let’s check to see if you can remember the other instruments of the orchestra from the woodwind, brass and percussion families. Watch the clip below about a little boy named George who visits the Sydney Orchestra to find out which instrument he would like to play. Click on the link below to find out.

George Meets the Orchestra | An Introduction to the Orchestra for Children

After watching, I want you to choose an instrument, which you would like to play. Draw a picture of the instrument of your choice and write down underneath the picture why you would like to play this instrument. Also make a note of what you think would be difficult about learning this instrument.


Send pictures of your work by email or comment on Mrs Miskell’s blog post.

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