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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 22nd May

WOW! This is the last day of our Summer 1 term.

Well done everyone for all your brilliant activities and efforts. We are so proud of you. 

This week has been a busy week for our school leaders and staff so we are sorry if your emails haven't been replied to as swiftly as usual. Staff are also on the Key worker childcare rota and so spend some days in school too.

Please do make sure you have checked your inbox and texts for letters or messages from Mrs McKeating re school closure and the decisions taken by Governors and SLT regarding the phased re-opening of some classes.

Stay safe and please remember the rules re social distance that are still in place. 

Today's Self Care Challenge

How many packets can you open independently from now on?

Try yoghurt tubes and pots, sandwich wrappings and boxes, mini cheeses and bags of crisps and snacks.

Remember to use your claw pincer movement on packets to open them with a "pinch and a pull" 

Task 1: May is the month we say thank you to Mary, Jesus's Mum. She was a very special lady who cared for and looked after Jesus and Joseph. Can you think of a special lady who is important to you? Draw, paint or collage a picture of her and we'll post them on our class page.

Task 2: Electric toys


30-50 months:

  • Knows how to operate simple equipment, e.g. turns on CD player and uses remote control.
  • Shows skill in making toys work by pressing parts or lifting flaps to achieve effects such as sound, movements or new images.

40-60 months:

  • Completes a simple program on a computer


Have a look at your toys...


Can you find a toy that can move/makes a sound/lights up?

How do you make them work? Talk to your grown ups about the different ways your toys work. Do you push a button? Wind them up? Do they have batteries?




Task 3: Make an outdoor or indoor den for half term fun! Can you make it different to the den task from last term?

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