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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 13th January

Good morning Year 6!

Today is Wednesday so we have made it to the middle of the week. There were lots of good co-ordinate work and adverbial sentences yesterday. Many of you had a go at the French which was wonderful to see. In school, we learnt interesting new facts about the tourist attractions in Paris and really enjoyed this lesson. Enjoy today's learning everyone!



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk (you may get wet).

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines.

3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his exercise routine today. (He's back on today). 

4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!

5. Log in to CBBC Live Lessons because MARCUS RASHFORD is leading a PE lesson today at 10.05 am.



Because lots of children are now logging in to our new reading website, getepic, I have set you a new reading challenge today. There are 3 books to choose from: Abominables (story), Weird but True Gross (Non-Fiction) and Dear Wandering Wilderbeest (poetry).  Which will you read?  The Year 6 blog post 8.1.21 tells you how to log on to read these books.  Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day. 


TASK 1 Maths - Decimals to 3 decimal places. 

We are continuing our work on decimals. This work follows on from last Wednesday and Thursday. 

Make sure you have your pen and Maths book ready and then click on the video. Once you have completed the let's learn section then click on the PDF worksheet and answer the 7 questions in your Maths book. For Q1 you just need to draw how many counters you would put in each place value column. Just draw a circle to represent the place value counters. 

eg 23.457 is a number with 3 digits after the decimal point. Therefore it has 3 decimal places. I would draw 4 counters in the tenths column to represent 4 tenths. 

Post your work on the BLOG or EMAIL it to me. 

13-1-21 - Three decimal places

Watch the video before you do the worksheet.

13-1-21 Decimals to 3 decimal places worksheet.

Task 2 RE- L.O Exploring a wide variety of books.

1. Click on the link to the video section of our website and watch the introductory video before you do the task. 

2. Task 1- Answer the 7 questions on the slides below. 

3. Task 2- Design the front cover for your autobiography. (That's a book about your life.)

13-1-21 RE L.O Exploring a wide variety of books.

Task 3 - ENGLISH

LO: To understand a text

LO: To spell words with the prefix 'inter'

There are 3 tasks today. Read the powerpoint below to see the instructions and information.



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