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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 2nd April

Year 4 you are all working extremely hard and setting a great example for our school, well done! Thank you for making yesterday a very special day πŸ˜€

Try your best with today’s task and all I ask is you have a go. Remember to blog, log on to TT Rockstars, log onto EdCity or email me so I know you are doing your home learning! 
Good Luck, Keep Active and Have Fun!



Task 1 English

LO: TO understand and create relative clauses

Watch the video below about relative clauses from BBC Supermovers and read through the PowerPoint pictures below. When you have done this, complete the work underneath, either print andwork on the sheet or copy out your answers into your exercise book. JUST HAVE A GO. You already are doing a FAB job.

Copy this work/sentences into your exercise book. For an extention, choose three of your sentences and rewrite them using a different relative pronoun. How does this change the meaning of the sentence?


Task 1: Maths

LO: To recognise and use tenths on a place value grid and number line

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lessons 3 and 4 from week 1 by watching the video lessons, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! 


Task 3: Science

LO: To investigate sound

Log onto Education City and under class work you will see Science Task: Thursday 2nd April complete all activities and complete the PDF questions sheets into your exercise book!

Thank you Year 4 keep up the good work!

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