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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 8th April

Hello Year 5, happy Wednesday! We have nearly finished the Spring term; it's nearly the Easter holidays! You'll need to work extremely hard and concentrate on your Maths and English tasks today. I want your best work. I then can't wait to see what you create for DT. I hope you send me some pictures!

I'm still waiting for some of you to send me your arithmetic scores from yesterday so please make sure you do that. 


LO - To use the structure of a poem

Continuing with this week's theme of magic and mystery, I would like you to read and watch the poem 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. Use a dictionary (online if you don't have one) to investigate any words which you are unsure of. There are some very interesting things in the box, aren't there?

Imagine the poem is now called ‘The Magic Shop’. What would you find in it? List some noun phrases to describe your magic shop.


Next look at the structure of the poem. How many verses are there? How many lines per verse? Does each verse start with the same line?


Cast your minds back to The Nowhere Emporium. Now write your own poem called ‘The Magic Shop’ using the structure of ‘The Magic Box’, e.g.

I will put in the shop
A delicate, ornate wand swishing silently on its own,

Intricate, golden treasure chests filled with surprises,

A dainty, dancing cowboy and a ballerina riding a horse,


Please email me these as I would love to read them.

The Magic Box - Kit Wright


LO - To solve a range of place value problems 

Complete the questions on the slides below (numbers 5a-8b.) 

If you found those easy and want to carry on, solve the problems below.


Easter Craft

A little bit of fun to add to a hardworking day! Year 6 'got crafty' yesterday so I thought we would do the same. You have a choice of 2 options. One of them will need adult permission and adult help.


Option 1

Open the Easy Easter Recipes document and choose something to make. Or perhaps you have your own recipe! You must ask an adult first and you may need their help.


Option 2

Open the Easter Egg Symmetrical Patterns document and complete and colour an egg. Print the document if you can but if not, copy it!


Or maybe you have another Easter craft activity in mind! I'm looking forward to seeing them.

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