- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good Morning Everyone, I hope that you are all well. I am really enjoying seeing your faces on our morning meetings. It is lovely to see you all and I am counting down the days until we can all be back in our classroom learning together.
Your lessons are below for today, please remember to send your work to Year1_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
You are all working so hard, keep up the great work.
Miss Armstrong
Let’s wake up our brains and bodies!
Please can you watch the video below for the sound Wh and Ph.
Then complete in your Phonics Booklets pages 24-25.
I have also attached a short activity which you may like to do. This involves creating a paper chain of common exception words. You can print off the sheets attached below or you may want to create your own version using different coloured paper or plain paper.
Today we will be continuing with our fact file on the Antarctica. What are the interesting facts you know about the Antarctica? I have added a little video for some ideas to help with your Polar Region Project. Watch the video and then see if you can complete your worksheet. Remember fantastic handwriting as you will be using this information on Friday.
You have all been working very hard with measuring and looking at cm. Tomorrow we will be moving on to something different. For your task today can you complete the worksheet below, try your best, take your time you may want to use a ruler to look at.
Once you have complete the worksheet I have a little challenge for you.
Can you find anything in your house that is
7cm, 10cm, 25 cm, 30cm. Please send Miss Armstrong photos of the thing that you find on your measuring search.
Good Luck
Religious Education
We have been looking throughout this topic at what makes something special whether that is a person, a pet or something that belongs to you. One of the special things to Christians is our churches. Today for your lesson please see below for further information. Your two main tasks to complete along with a few questions.