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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 10th July

It's Friday everybody!

Today is the last day actually in school for Group A and we have LOTS of jobs to complete. Group B and home learners are also busy and thinking about their last 4 days in school next week. Make sure you complete all learning today then you can relax and enjoy the weekend. Let's get going...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 10-7-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Today we are going to visit the online PE Teacher, Joe Wicks, for a final Friday workout. Click on the link below and enjoy.



Oh my goodness I can’t quite believe this is your last FRIDAY ARITHMETIC TEST. I’ve saved the best till last.

There are two test below. Test 10 – Extension and Test 10 - Core. The Extension Test is harder than the Core Test.

DON’T PANIC- You only have to do one of them. 

Do your working out and answers in your Maths Book and then get someone to mark it for you. BLOG me your score please.

The answers are on the last sheet of the test. Please don’t look at them until you have finished, it will not help you. 


LO: To understand a text

LO: To use appropriate language

Read or click on the audio link below to listen to Chapters 31 and 32. Let's see what happened when Zero ran off after the angry fight. Then, go to the English folder on today's Year 6 website page for instructions and information for today's tasks.

Holes by Louis Sachar ch. 31-32

Holes by Louis Sachar CH. 31-32 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text. (Recorded with

Design Technology

LO: To find out about the diversity of foods grown in America

Our Design Technology work today will focus on American foods as our topic is America. Go to the DT folder on the Year 6 website page to find the interesting information and task for this week. After you have read the information, you have to decide which task to complete from the 4 options. Click on the first document below to download the recipes. Click on the second one to download the Bingo game. Click on the third one for the Missing Word game. Attach any photos or writing about this work to today’s blog or email it to me.

If you are not in Group A or B, please complete one of the options that you did not choose last week.

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